Introducing the Glam Makeup look tutorial, perfect for a romantic February 14, no matter if you stay in for a romantic night, or go out and party! What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Colton and I will probably do our usual of going out the night before for fondue chocolate dessert (yum!), and then staying in the night of and cooking something special and different.
To start the glam makeup tutorial, you need a clean, moisturized face. No remaining old makeup on you! On that note, wash your makeup off EVERY SINGLE night. No excuses! Okay, I'm off my pedestal now.
I start with La Base primer gel from Lancome to add some moisture and most importantly, prep my face for plenty of kisses. Then I move on to my favorite foundation that I have been using for over a year! Drum roll please... Double Wear from Estee Lauder. I remember continually reading about this foundation from many beauty bloggers and wanting to see what all the fuss was about, they were right. This is the best foundation ever! The foundation covers your skin enough to hide imperfections, but doesn't make you feel like you are just caking it on. If someone were to wipe their finger over my face, I wouldn't want to feel like an orange-y mess would be transferred over onto them, ick!

Next I put just some loose foundation over it. Sometimes I skip this step but I was feeling it today for this tutorial. Its by Clinique and has SPF in it to keep my skin healthy and safe!

Moving on to some color, I like this simple rosy natural looking blush from Lancome. It's not to bright, or glittery to look unnatural and just gives you the perfect flushed look. I apply on my cheekbones.
After the blush comes the highlighter. I adore High Beam from Benefit. I apply three dots on my high cheekbone and then under the brows. I'm not very fancy and just blend with my clean fingertips.
I know that I need to stop being a cheap-o when it comes to buying good brushes but I really feel like my fingertips can get the job done. I know the first time that I buy a good brush I'm going to want to yell at myself for all those wasted fingertip years. Ha.
Brows are uber important to get that sexy arch! I love Gimme Brow by Benefit to fill out the sparser parts of my brows, without having to spend hours on them. Many people like shadows, but I just really love to use this one product and think they turn out pretty dang good.
Eyeliner wise I have been using Covergirl's deep black liquid liner. I slightly wing it out for this look and only apply to the top. Then I go to town with my mascara on the top and bottom eyelashes.
Then begins the horrendous process of checking your eyes to make sure that they are evenly winged. *15 minutes later... Just right.
Next, I brush on the white glittery shadow to add some sparkle! I put the glitter inside the corner of my eyes too. (I typically do this before the liner but somehow forgot this important touch prior to, I guess the stress before the winged liner clouded my brain.)
Lipliner time with my new bestie, Hourglass Panorama. This has really good wear and doesn't smudge hardly at all. I was pleasantly pleased that one of my favorite drugstore makeup purchases lip color from Maybeline matched perfectly to the lip liner. It's a match!
I feel that plumped, deep lips are just so glam and gorgeous, one of my most favorite colors to wear.
Here is the finished product. What do you think? How do you get your glam makeup look?

Have a great Valentine's Day week babes!
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