If you did, no alcohol in January I am SO SO proud of you. It was alarmingly difficult. I technically have until the 4th and will finish strong and not cheat by ending a couple days earlier. I think I should have done this particular one in February, less days. ;)
I do think it was a great exercise and good for me to challenge myself. I honestly don't think I haven't had alcohol for an entire month since I started enjoying alcoholic beverages. I wish that I could be one of those people that just can pass up mimosas, but how can you properly brunch without them?
I did miss my wine on the weekends, okay I'll be honest on the occasional weekday too, but that wasn't the hardest part. The most challenging part of not having alcohol is the social aspect. I knew that I had to hide away for January or it would have been too hard and tempting. So I missed my friends and being social. Luckily my fiance joined me in this endeavor so we just were "homebuddies" for the month. See what I did there?
I wouldn't report feeling like a new human, but I do think I have a sense of being "cleansed" don't know how much of that is just in my head or not, but it's nice. I do think that my skin looks a little more glowy - which I'll take any day!
So, with the new month starting, I am going to start the No Dairy Allowed February! Jump in on this 3 month challenge with me (ADD, no Alcohol, no Dairy, no Dessert) and see how eliminating certain harmful foods/drinks can ADD up to making you feel better!

Beware of some products that you had no idea contained dairy. I did some looking into this before this challenge started and was surprised by some items mentioned. Be sure and look into the food products you are about to enjoy to see if milk is in there. Some items include over processed grains, salad dressings, deli meat. Basically, as always, try to have food that you actual make, see what goes inside of it and is fresh!
I use the above delicious, creamy almond milk for my coffee and cereal in lieu of dairy milk.
Who wants to join me for No Dairy Allowed month? AKA February.
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