I was so happy and surprised to receive the Liebster Award! Liebster is of German origins and means dearest, sweetest, nicest, beloved, lovely, endearing, etc. I'll take all those words as descriptors any day! I felt so proud to get some recognition from a fabulous blogger, Isobel's Basket. No matter how many times you tell yourself that you don't need others for reassurance, it is definitely nice to be recognized.

11 Facts about Myself:
- Working out makes me feel powerful and ready to take on the day. It's my way to take control and prepare for a busy day ahead.
- I love learning ways to make a typically unhealthy meal more healthy. Alternatives are great ways to enjoy a more naughty meal in a healthy way.
- Shelties are my favorite kind of pup. I will immediately get one once I move to my own house.
- I don't like the idea of taking a lot of medicine and try to fix aches and pains with water.
- New favorite drink to order: Vodka soda with a splash of pineapple.
- Kate Morton is my most adored author, her novels are so surprising and beautifully written.
- BCBG clothes are my brand of choice for work. Nothing is more crisp than a tailored white button up, perfect fitting black pant, and a red heel.
- I have never read the bible front to back and have begun the one year bible to be finished by next Easter.
- My self control levels are pretty impressive in most cases, once I set my mind to a goal or decision I typically always stick with it.
- Drink at least 5 cups of coffee a day, oops.
- I am a born and raised Okie and have never lived anywhere else.
- What made you want to start blogging?
I love writing and love the community that bloggers have created. This was a great outlet to get my passion out on health, fashion, and fitness. - What is your favorite food?
It's a toss up between salmon or dark chocolate - Do you have a favorite childhood memory and will you share it?
My memory has never been too great in my childhood, ha, and it's unfortunate because I know I was so lucky to have the best! But would have to say any day playing imagined games with my older sister. Have to love how creative little kids are in their make believe. - What is your favorite film?
That's too tough. I do love some oldies though, the actresses were so glamorous! Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Doris Day, all the older Bond girls... - Where do you most want to travel and why?
Europe is amazing, I love the culture there! Would definitely love to plan a trip to France soon. - What is your favorite book?
The Distant Hours - If you could only choose three make-up products to use for the rest of your life what would they be?
Foundation, mascara, lipstick - Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Have successfully transformed myself into a morning person! Was no easy feat.. - What makes you happy?
I try to find happy in most things. But give me an awesome book and some extra time and I'm there! - What is your favorite hot beverage? (e.g. Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, etc.)
Latte. - Annie - Take A Bite Blog
- Kathleen - Peony for Your Thoughts
- Joanne - She Wears Burgundy
- Patsy - Patsy Picks
- Tanya - Laptop and Heels
- Lauren - C'est Lauren
- Hannah- Sweeter than Serenity
- Daisy - Daydreaming
- Scarlett - Official Flower Business
- Kat - Bespectacle
- Danielle - Smitten With Sunday
My Questions to You:
- What is your ultimate goal in life?
- If you only could have one more food for the rest of your life what would it be?
- What event/who has helped shape you most into the person you are today?
- Three words to describe yourself.
- What makes you most proud of yourself?
- Who is your favorite character from a book?
- If you could have a meal with one famous person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
- How would you describe your style?
- Favorite form of exercise?
- Stripes or Polka Dots?
Liebester Award Rules:
Must link back to the blogger who nominated you.
Give 11 facts about yourself
Answer the questions of who nominated you
Nominate other new inspiring bloggers
Ask them 11 questions
Display the Liebster Award badge on your post
Tell the chosen 11 you nominated themThanks again to Isobel, it means a whole lot. Ladies, be sure and comment once you answer so I can come check it out :)
Answers to Isobel:
I have chosen amazing bloggers that have inspired me in my blog writing! So thankful for you all and proud to be part of this amazing blogging community!