There are many different necklines for you to choose from and you should consider which is best for you based on two elements: the specific occasion and your body type.

Instant gratification. We are so spoiled in many aspects of our lives where we get immediate results. However, many of the best things in life that we desire are not instantaneous, like a challenging goal. You have to continue to work at a goal before you can reach it. You have to put in a little effort each day. Then, before you know it, it has happened, quite suddenly. However, it's not sudden because you had gradually been putting the work in. You may not have even noticed once you reach it!
Apply this theory to your lofty goals. Whenever you set out to accomplish something, give yourself a break and just take it day by day. The most successful person gradually worked hard each day until, suddenly they were a ROCKSTAR.
For instance, you may be eating healthier each day, until you have lost that extra weight. For instance, you may be adding in short quick workouts each day, until your body is a muscled masterpiece. For instance, you may be praying more each day, until you're completely relying on the Lord. For instance, you may be learning a couple vocabulary words each day, until you're a walking dictionary.
Immensely enjoying the beautiful Summer weather and the ease of throwing on a simple dress and calling it good. Summer has sunshine, relaxation, and carefree dresses going for it, winter hardly even has a fighting chance!
I'm currently a big fan of bold prints on maxi dresses, the crazier the better. Florals, stripes, and animal prints can really dress up the casual look of a maxi and add even more fun!
When you are pushing your body to extremes, trying to hit a goal, or preparing for a marathon, or losing's easy to lose sight of why you started working out, eating right, and taking care of your body in the first place. However, when you begin to feel ill, it all changes.
This week I had some intense pain in my stomach. It would last about 3 seconds and then subside, then happen again, and get it. I would be fine one moment and cramping the next. Source still unknown. However don't worry, I feel better and got some medicine from the doctor. It wasn't appendicitis. Whew!
Let me preface this workout by saying you will sweat, you will get tired, you will want to crumple in a will feel accomplished, you will see changes, and you will be happy you finished!
Only 45 minutes of work, then you can celebrate your success!
I haven't put a workout on here in a while so I made sure that this one will get your body good! :)
You have made it through over half of 2014!...and a couple weeks. Can you believe that this year is already half way over?
I think it's very important to look back on the first half of the year before moving on to the second half. Ask yourself some questions. What's working for you? What isn't? Are you happy with your current situation? Are you proud of yourself? When did you feel happiest? When were you disappointed? Reflect on these things and learn how to make the second half of the year even Better! I hope you are looking back and thinking how it can't get any better, but remember there is always room for improvement!
Today, there are so many confusing articles and research on how to lose weight, be healthier, and feel better. Yet, many of them contradict each other and end up being a confused jumble in your head! Let's dive into all of these health controversies (breakfast, cleanses, Gluten, vitamins) and find some answers!
My skin is drastically affected by the climate, almost to an alarming level. Needless to say, residing in Oklahoma is a challenge since weather changes on a day to day basis.
My skin unfortunately doesn't fare well in dry climates. Breakouts, dryness, and rashes all grace my skin when it's super dry. I even get crazy intense heat rashes after a sweat session outdoors. Heat rashes are most common in infants but also can affect adults when in dry/humid climates. The rash occurs when sweat ducts are closed off causing moisture (sweat) to stay in skin. Ick! The best way to prevent heat rash is by staying hydrated! Also by not sweating, but that isn't an option when exercising outdoors.
Elements that affect your skin most: dry heat, dry cold, humid head, humid cold. It's important to be armed with some knowledge prior to a change in climate. No one enjoys going on a relaxing trip to find that their skin is not quite as chill as their attitude in that particular weather.
Remember that when the climate changes...your skin care routine should too!
Shiny delicate rings have been haunting my dreams in a sparkly splendor. They have been everywhere and I had no idea how to choose which one to make my own! No one should fret as much as I did over these beautiful teeny tiny rings...
After pouring over fashion websites, trusty blogs, and favorite brands I have completed the search and compiled them in a helpful list(both pricey and cheapey)in hopes to save you some unnecessary concern and time.
Water makes up about 60% of our bodies. Needless to say, it's very important for us to consume good ole' fashion water. Not just a glass, but 3 liters people! Many people have cured digestive problems, migraines, cholesterol and many other health problems simply by drinking more water. Your body literally needs copious amounts of water to function properly. Do not deprive your body or it will react in a way that you won't like! Think: wrinkles, acne, migraine, weight gain...
Some people go a little berserk with preparation for the 4th of July. No need. Here's my thoughts to all that's needed to properly celebrate being an American! Let's relax and take it easy! :)
Missed blogging last week while I was on vacation! I had not realized how accustomed and how much I had grown to love blogging. I look forward to curling up with my computer and sharing with you! :)
My trip was absolutely incredible, to say the least. Colorado has to be one of the most gorgeous states. The cabin we stayed at was tucked neatly into the mountains and was in the middle of nowhere creating a beautiful relaxing atmosphere. I could feel the tension rolling out of my shoulders. Oh, how I needed it!