So I understand, sometimes during wedding planning, the last thing you want to do is workout, but you also want to look good in that dress. Don't you? If you would simply commit 15 minutes, 3 times a week, you will see the difference and look great in that dress you have always dreamed of.
To me, the most important assets to have toned for your dress is your arms and a slender waist. However, it works best to tone your entire body to see the quickest results.
Here is a 15 minute workout that you can do without any weights or equipment. No excuses bride-to-be, look good for your honey!
Jumping Jacks -30
(not pictured, you know how to do those!)
Tricep Dips - 5
Make sure your elbows are tight against your body, keep your core in and your glutes down. You can do from your knees or your toes.

Push ups - 10
Just your basic push up. Try to keep your body in one straight line with your abs in and glutes down.

Arm Circles - 30 each directions
These are surprisingly tiring and are a great way to create toned muscles without the weights. Just move your arms in circular motion 30 times forward, then 30 times backward.

Lunges - 15 each side
Lunge it out. 15 lunges on each side. Make sure you are going straight down and up, not forward and back. Keep those abs in and challenge that range. Can you get that knee close to the floor?

Squats - 25
You know the drill. Abs in, glutes back and down. Try to get a 90 degree bend and make sure those knees aren't going over your toes.

Calf Raises - 30
Use proper form, no cheating! Shoulders back, abs in. Lift up on your toes. Feel that nice calf cramp? Yeah you want that.

Burpees - 5
Burpees without the push ups. Head down, jump out, jump back in and jump up. Be as explosive as possible and really spike that heart rate for that good metabolic burn that will last for hours after the workout is complete.

Bridge Lifts - 30
Squeeze up through that tush and lower back down. Feel the work in your glutes and hamstrings.

Plank - :30
You can plank on your elbows or your hands. Keep that body straight and stiff as a board. Squeeze your tush.

Bridal Bootcamp for the Lazy Bride Workout
10 moves, 5 minutes each set. Go through each move as fast as you can, it will help to keep your heart rate up and those calories burning! BURN BABY BURN! And helps to keep the exercise short so you can get back to what matters most, like bridal magazines.
30 jumping jacks
5 tricep pushups
10 pushups
30 arm circles (forward and backward)
15 lunges (each side)
25 squats
30 calf raises
5 burpees
30 bridge lifts
:30 plank
Along with your fitness, it's super important to eat right. Be sure and check back for a Bridal Bootcamp food guide.

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