You have made it through over half of 2014!...and a couple weeks. Can you believe that this year is already half way over?
I think it's very important to look back on the first half of the year before moving on to the second half. Ask yourself some questions. What's working for you? What isn't? Are you happy with your current situation? Are you proud of yourself? When did you feel happiest? When were you disappointed? Reflect on these things and learn how to make the second half of the year even Better! I hope you are looking back and thinking how it can't get any better, but remember there is always room for improvement!

Never ever underestimate the power of pushing yourself even farther! Improve and grow the second half of 2014!
Pushing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone shows you how much you can do. If you stay comfortable, you will never know all that you could have done if you would have just taken that extra step. Take on that extra responsibility! Before you know it, it won't seem like such a challenge.
This year, I have learned a lot about myself as I transitioned from college girl to working girl. Looking back, the transition was difficult at times but I got to learn all that I could do and accomplish! There were times of course that I disappointed myself, but I also really impressed myself! Never be intimidated, only look forward and learn new things! Your skills, knowledge, talents should be ever-expanding!
This year, I have pushed my body to reach fitness goals while still listening to my body. Beginning of the year I was really into running and was getting pretty good...But my back started hurting badly. I ignored it for awhile (bad call) but soon my smarter self reminded my stubborn self to listen to my body. After all, it is the only one I have. I have gotten more into stretching, yoga, and pilates, while still challenging myself with intense circuits that don't harm my back.
This year, I have started a blog! And I couldn't be more in love with it! Blogging has allowed me to share my thoughts and advice. Blogging has introduced me to some amazing women. Blogging has given me a creative outlet to share my passions. I cannot wait to see where it takes me!
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