Want to keep a stable weight?…It’s all about the clothes, girl.
College years are the time when you slightly gain a little weight,cough, a lot. But hey, that’s okay college is a time to somewhat over indulge (within reason). What other time is pizza multiple times a week, drinking past a reasonable hour, pulling study all nighters, then… doing it all over again the following week acceptable? Absolutely no other time.
I lived in humongous t-shirts and Nike shorts. The problem however was that I lived in humongous t-shirts. You can’t wear those and expect to really notice when you’re packing on the pounds. It was overlooked and then once I graduated, some of it unfortunately stayed.
These extra pounds must go before I get older. Because, I have done the research and heard from multiple sources… weight increases quickly once you hit a certain age because your metabolism kaputs. How terrible! Aging and gaining all at the same time?! No thanks. So basically my proactive plan is too be teeny tiny for when that happens. Ha.
Wearing clothes that actually fit you makes a huge difference. So all you ladies, retire those comfy t-shirts, put on a cute top and know what is actually underneath your clothing. Wearing clothes that fit also help keep you in check. When that shirt starts pulling at your waist, or those jeans start getting hard to bend over in… you actually know that something is up.
Another helpful thing to do is not throw on those comfy sweatpants when you enter your house. Although they may be tempting, put on those jeans. When I get home from work, it usually means time to breathe, relax and pull on sweats. It also includes dinner and dessert time (the meals that I definitely eat the most at) therefore, it doesn’t make sense for me to put on stretchy clothes for a meal I typically overeat at.
Plus, let’s be honest. It just looks better!
Another hard but true statement you won’t want to follow but should follow is this… GIVE UP CLOTHES THAT DONT FIT . I understand… you loved it and it was awesome… in the past. But if it isn’t now, then give it up and find that new item that makes you feel awesome! Splurge on incredible booty poppin’ jeans. If that’s not encouraging to keep your weight stable I don’t know what is.
3 Tips to Keep a Stable Weight:
- Retire huge comfortable clothes that can disguise weight gain
- Wear clothes that actually fit you – not too tight, not too big, but jussssttt right
- Stay in structured clothes all day until you are getting ready for bed and slip into an adorable nightie