25 seems like a big year! I am officially a quarter of a century, y’all! This might be the year that I would want to stay at if I were to ever become a vampire. 😉 It just seems the age to stick to in terms of your body’s prime health, agility, metabolism, and most importantly – fewer wrinkles. Ha. Not to put a damper on aging or any of my future birthday weekend celebrations…
I enjoyed a lovely birthday dinner at La Brasa, a Peruvian restaurant, that we went to last year for my birthday. I can’t help it, I just love the place! The food and the service is just amazing and the atmosphere is super fun! Nothing like being surrounded by such sweet friends on your birthday and I couldn’t have felt more loved!
This weekend Colton and I enjoyed spending some quality time together and had a leisurely brunch at Flint. Birthdays require multiple mimosas 🙂 I got some delicious oats that came with Nutella and bananas. I couldn’t think of a more glorious combination. Then, I had a delicious omelette that was not pictured because I was too excited to eat it! Oops!
After, we walked around the Myriad Gardens to work off all the delicious food that we overindulged in 🙂 Birthday weekend – you’re allowed too. We basked in the beautiful sun and watched the new little baby ducklings swimming around with their mommy. The gardens were full of people walking, running, relaxing, and it made me super happy to see so many people being active and enjoying the glorious day in Oklahoma City.
Colton caught me while glancing down at my ring and admiring it. I think I will always be in awe of my gorgeous ring, he did such a good job! 25 is also a great age since that is the age I become a Mrs.!
There was of course no way I wouldn’t treat myself to a latte on my birthday so we found the Double Decker coffee joint called Junction Coffee. This double decker is such an awesome creation that was renovated in 2014 by the sweetest couple. You can find them at these certain locations mostly, but you can also invite them to your event, which is so fun. Their lattes never disappoint!
Great friends. Great coffee. My kind of place.
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and helped make this birthday weekend so great! I’m so thankful for this beautiful life I have been blessed with and resolve to make 25 be a year of less worry, and more adventure! Regardless of your age – Who’s with me?
Happy belated birthday!! Looks like you had an awesome time. That’s so sweet that he got that pic of you admiring your ring.:) I do the same thing all the time with mine ha. Looks like you’re doing well. Great pics!!:)
Thanks Krisztina! I’m doing great and ready to take on the year 🙂 XO
Happy birthday gorgeous! I turned 25 in October and it felt such a big deal!
You look like you had a great time 🙂
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Thanks Tamara! It was a great one! Woo 25! XO
aww looked like a great birthday weekend!! Congrats in advance on getting married! I got married at 25 years old too! <3
xo Raina
It was a great one, I’m a lucky lady 🙂 Thanks for stopping in Raina! XO