How is it the last week of the 4 Week Workout Series? I feel that the series just began. But April always flies by so fast, meaning it will be sweet summer time before we know it, and that means bikini time. Yeah, I said it. However, you don’t have to be nervous if you continue on your healthy journey doing a few workouts each week and eating the good stuff. By good stuff, I mean your fruits, veggies, nuts, fish, etc. Not your cupcakes, cookies, donuts. I knew a few of you would need that clarification 😉
This glute workout focuses on toning the entire behind – gluteus minimus, medius, and maximus – to get it lifted and tight from every angle! Kind of like this lady’s good looking booty who has become famous on Instagram with over 9 million followers due to her dedication to her toned tush!
So when your glutes are burning during this workout, have a goal in mind and keep the glutes lifted as high as you can! Really hold the isolation and think about the muscles you are working for best results. After the workout, if you still want a little more of a booty challenge, go for a run or walk on the treadmill at an incline to continue that delicious burn.
4 Week Workout Series – Glutes
I hope you guys have enjoyed the 4 Week Workout Series including the arms, core, legs and finally, the glutes. Doing workouts that either need no, or only one set of dumbbells can be very useful when you are in a pinch for time and can’t make it to the gym. Because, remember, any workout is better than no workout! Do what you can!
Which move made your glutes burn the most for you? Which focus area would you like more workouts for?
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