The sun is out and it’s time to get our bodies ready for those bikinis! Don’t worry it’s just now April, meaning we have a good month and a half to get to where we want to be! Of course, what you eat is the most important, but secondly, you need to work out to get those muscles showing and looking fierce!
To help in your muscle poppin’ efforts, I have created 4 videos for the month of April, one video will be published each weekend on Saturday morning on my YouTube channel. Each week we will focus on one specific area of the body. First, we will be doing arms, then core, then legs and finally, the glutes! Who doesn’t want a toned bum?
For the first video of the 4 workouts, I thought we would get started with getting those arms tank top ready! There is no better feeling then wearing a tank top and feeling confident with toned arms. Having toned arms can be a challenge, but one that is definitely worth it! I just love feeling strong and capable with some guns 😉
Workout Series – Toned Arms
15 Jumping Jacks
15 (L&R) Arm Circles
10 Bicep Curls, 1o Bicep Pulses – 3x
10 Tricep Extensions, 10 Tricep Pulses – 3x
10 Overhead Presses, 10 Overhead Pulses – 3x
10 Pushups
10 Tricep Pushups
10 Mountain Climbers
Do two more sets!!
Here’s another arm workout for you if you are killing it and want to do more!
Let me know what you think of the workout! Too hard too easy? Are you doing it 1 time, or 3 times through?
Great, easy to follow workout!
Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it Erica 🙂