I have never used a hardcore trainer because I believed that I had what it took to make my goals happen, as long as I was determined enough and self motivated. However, this can be close minded thinking and sometimes just a little support goes a looooong way. And since I’m doing one of my hardest challenges, I thought I’d share with my lovely, supportive readers. 🙂 Plus once it gets out there, I don’t want to not make it happen.
My goal is to continue my fight to end my sugar obsession and lose a couple pounds so that my muscles aren’t covered with excess fat. In other words, see you later chocolate. Those arm muscles are under there so I want them to show, especially now that I am teaching a workout class! I want to truly inspire my awesome class-goers to continue to push themselves and add that weight to their bar. Rawr!
Terrifying statistics…
One in seven Americans have metabolic syndrome
One in three Americans are obese
Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate
…many believe it all comes down to one toxic presence…sugar.
Seeing that sweets are my greatest downfall, I must start there. I am going to try the no sugar challenge once again and potentially keep it up for longer.
Second, and my favorite, is to continue my working out schedule. If you’re in the OKC area, hit me up at Golds Gym for Body Pump 🙂
Sugar Kills diet:
Foods to eat:
Nut Butter
Foods not to eat:
Baked goods
I am allowing red wine… you have to give yourself a break somewhere.
Who wants to join me? I am going to do this for 2 weeks, ending September 1. Just in time for Labor Day festivities and bikinis! Remember…sugar kills ya’ll!
Probably need allow some fruit. Blueberries in morning, an apple for a snack, melon for dessert? Just a little. If not, take your TX SuperFood pills. XO d
Good advice as usual 🙂 XO