Books can completely invite you into another era, time, universe. Recently, I have been completely captivated by two authors, Kate Morton and Liane Moriarty. Can you say brilliant? If you have never read their stories – get to the nearest Barnes & Nobles immediately, grab a comfy chair, and leave your life behind. Hours will pass before you even look up, never mind that screaming child or comically ridiculous loud whisperer.
Let’s talk Morton. Morton’s combination of romance and mystery creates the perfect attention hogging read. I adore how she packages family history and generations in each book. Distant Hours, Secret Keeper and House at Riverton are all simply amazing. Kiss your loved ones goodbye before you pick up one of these books.
Moriarty is brilliant. Each story keeps you engrossed the entire time. It’s almost unhealthy for my day-to-day living when I am in the middle of her book because that’s all that is on my mind. Each character is so well crafted and charismatic. What’s going to happen next to so-and-so?! They are dear friends by the book’s end.
Moriarty books are typically more light hearted than Morton’s but leave you with a meaningful message and challenge your way of thinking. Life is messy, not black and white, and Moriarty perfectly gets this message across in her character’s beautifully messy lives.
I need to pick up a new book, its been too long since I've read! Kate Morton's books sound great!
Pumps and Push-Ups
You will love them! XO