So happy that fall has arrived…in one more day to be specific. Summer is nice, until it’s not. The heat has a way of slowly creeping up on you until you go CRAZY! I’m ready to trade out my shorts and pull on those fleece lined leggings and switch my iced coffees for steamy lattes.
More reasons to be excited for fall’s arrival and fun ways to increase the fall festivities’ enjoyment IMMEDIATELY–>
Fall Festivities
Crackling Fireplaces
Nothing quite beats the smell and sound of crackling firewood. Not to mention if you add to the fun and roast a marshmallow over it. Smores, anyone?
Or, have you ever tried making a colored fire? If you have a sweet little one, try it, they will be amazed. Oh don’t kid yourself, you will be too.
Warm Delicious Drinks
Nothing quite like a warm drink to welcome fall. Simply seeing steam rising off a delicious coffee or cocoa makes me happy. To bring in the season make some frothy milk, add an espresso shot, teaspoon of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Or, spice it up and make some delicious wassail! Wassail has been a lovely tradition at our Family and Friends November Fall Picnic for years. My mother and aunt started the Annual Picnic years ago, 38 to be exact, with a group of their sweet Pi Phi friends and wassail has remained one of the best traditions. Traditions never get old, especially when wassail is involved.
Crisp Colorful Leaves
Who doesn’t enjoy those festive leaves and the crunch when you step on them during your walk breathing in the signature fall crisp air? Not to mention getting in a good workout by raking them and then falling into the large pile like a kid.
Sweaters & Fur
And finally, one of the best changes that fall brings…so many more clothing options in fall than in
the hotter seasons. I love to curl up in dramatic furs, plaid scarves, wool socks and cute hats, pom poms and all.
I may or may not have gotten a little carried away in my purchasing of fur vests last year. They’re just so snugly and lovely for fall and winter. Plus, these are pieces I can keep forever! Or so I tell myself to make the price a little easier to cope with… Black shearling vests are timeless!
Fall is one of my most favorite times of year, love pumpkin everything and cozy sweaters the most.
Pumps and Push-Ups