Confident people get more. More opportunities and less questions. The less you question yourself, the better! Don’t let people intimidate you without your consent, you are exactly who you are supposed to be.
However, sometimes situations arise where you can’t get out of a funk and lack self-confidence. When this occurs, try to keep your cool and at least appear more confident. Soon, you will begin to truly feel it. This is where the saying fake it till you make it comes into play.
So how do you appear more confident when you are not?
Posture makes all the difference in how people perceive you. If you walk and sit with good posture you immediately look more sure of yourself. Go ahead, pull those shoulders back and down and look fierce.
Have a pleasant look on your face… all the time. Confident people tend to always look like everything is okay, even if everything isn’t. Panic inside, fresh on the outside.
Talk slower. What you have to say is important! Don’t rush through it like it’s nothing or people will treat it that way. If you talk confidently, people will listen to you. It’s not a race to see who can talk fastest.
Dress the part. I don’t care what anyone says but how you dress affects how you feel. Particularly, for me, heels make me feel more confident! Wear what works for you and what makes you feel ready to tackle the situation!
Body language. Hold eye contact, don’t break eye contact first. Shake hands like you mean it. Nothing is worse then a weak handshake.
Another helpful tip is to channel someone who would rock the situation. I like to channel a mix of Samantha Jones and Carrie Bradshaw. Samantha doesn’t give a flip about anyone and truly owns the room and Carrie Bradshaw…just because I love her.
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