Generosity is defined as the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish: the quality of being generous.
How are you generous? Do you live generously? Generosity is about giving, whether it is your time, advice, monetary value, etc.
You will always remember those people who were generous to you when it wasn’t necessary. Those people who offer their help when the issue at hand has nothing to do them, those people who listen to your latest dilemma for hours until you feel better, those people who constantly give and give. Seek to be those people.
Don’t be generous to be recognized, give generously with abandon, expecting nothing in return. Generosity can be as small as giving that free Starbucks coffee to the person behind you in line, or as large as donating your entire life’s work to a cause you believe in. No matter the circumstance, no act of generosity is too small.
Continue reading my post on being less selfish and more selfless on Oklahoman Women Bloggers.
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