Recently I have been trying to wean myself off dairy and it has been no easy task! However, I was tired of the feeling I would get after eating cereal, ice cream or cheese and knew it was a category to potentially kick from my diet, or at least actively limit. I won’t be hard core but will try to do with less.
Naturally I started experimenting with different milks because I needed milk for my lattes! I mean, what would A Latte Lipstick be without it’s latte?!
Soy milk seemed to fit in nicely and I really liked the taste. Soy has benefits like being low fat, and lowering your cholesterol. However, I begrudgingly came to find the disadvantages. Soy really messes with your hormones and doesn’t supply much calcium in compared to regular milk.
Almond milk is rich in potassium, lowers blood cholesterol, and provides many nutrients for our entire body. However, if you are at risk of low thyroid, steer clear of almond milk. Almond milk is also usually full of added sugar, so check out the almond milk that you purchase.
Moving onto coconut milk. Coconut milk is high in fatty acids. Studies show that coconut milk aids in weight loss, improves immune function, reduces heart disease and is great for your hair and skin! However I just can’t get into the taste.
To Not Drink:
Silk uses neurotoxic chemicals in their milk, I guess it’s time to say goodbye.
To Drink:
Organic Valley
So Delicious
Do you like almond/soy/regular/coconut milk best?
Unless you're drinking organic cow's milk, I believe there are added hormones in them–the same kind that can mess with your personal hormones. I've looked into the soy-hormone issue, and there's little/no evidence to back this up (no studies have been cited that I've seen, and many scientists say there's no effect). Of course, any food can have a bad effect on the body. Soy didn't bother me, personally, but I made the switch to almond milk because it was cheaper. It's really a personal thing. :3 If it bothers you, stop drinking/eating it!
Coconut milk is really eck. It tastes like chalk, and it doesn't blend well with coffee (my main problem with it). Otherwise, it'd be great for smoothies, I think. My personal favorite is cashew, but it's new to the market and harder to find. The taste is closer to milk, according to my sibling, and it has a consistency that's not as thick as almond milk. But, there are two-packs for almond milk and it's less costly, so the cashew milk is for special occasions. (:
Also, So Delicious makes an almond milk ice cream now, and the consistency is JUST like regular ice cream! It's awesome, and the fudge caramel flavor is fantastic! Good luck going dairy free! (: I know it's hard, but it can be really worth it!
Kiera, thanks so much for the advice and information!! Even after reading so much about each, I find it hard to fully understand the pros and cons. Definitely excited to hear about that almond milk ice cream and will check it out! XO Chloe