This time of year is full of millions of gatherings, dinner parties and celebrations! Meaning – tons of heavy dishes, creamy pies, and sugary cocktails! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and not the time to be worried about your weight! However no one wants to gain 10 pounds at the start of a new year.
Good news, you can still be that awesome party girl, simply follow these simple rules!
Choose one treat that you will eat before the party. If you simply can’t resist the cheese tray, skip the pie. Life is about choices, don’t deprive yourself of all treats. That’s too unrealistic!
After enjoying your guilty treat, apply the perfect lipstick, lipliner and all. After all that work, you won’t want to ruin the perfect pout!
Carry an adorable clutch. Whenever you carry a clutch, you only have one other vacant hand. This hand will be needed for holding champagne (you can’t skip it all!) hugging on your friends, and snuggling with a sweetheart.
Alcohol, water, alcohol, water. Now I sound like my parents, but they’re right (as parents tend to be.) Slow down on the alcohol, definitely enjoy the beverages but switch between water and alcohol. This will keep the calories down, and keep you less fuzzy 🙂
A great Hawaiian style holiday party have guests dressed in delightful floral prints. The more outrageously combined floral patterns and colors the better. Decorate your wide-brimmed hat with flowers (silk or real) and add blooms to your shoes to complete your outfit.