Don't you wish that life was more like a fairytale? What if we all really had flowing hair, amazing singing voices, fairy god mothers, and crowns? Perfect Dazzling Princesses.
My sweet baby second cousins got their dream come true at their Frozen Princess party, hosted by the Queen herself, their momma. Ella is the sweetest older sister and had a blast showing her little sister how to wear her crown and pose in "Princess Poses." Ella turned four and little Lucy turned two.
Of course the party had to have a guest appearance by the one and only Elsa. She glided in with "Let it Go" playing from her phone, needless to say, each girl's face lit up instantly. Elsa graced the party full hair, makeup, costume and stole the heart's of many smiling little girls. We witnessed dreams coming true. If you are looking to throw a Frozen Princess Party with Elsa, she was great!
Now, there are some needed essentials for throwing a successful Frozen Princess Party::

The party was decorated to perfection with snowflakes and tons of glitter. Complete with "Melted Snow" water bottles, Frozen punch, and sparkly tinsel. Each little girl of course had a bow or crown prominently on their heads. Bubbles were blown, cake was eaten, and Elsa was loved on.
Oh my gosh the photos are too cute! Love this party
It was possibly one of the cutest things I have ever witnessed. These girls were entranced! :)