It is time…the search for the perfect Fall lipstick!
Excitement bubbles over when a new season arrives, because new season=new lipstick. After all, that’s why seasons exist, isn’t it? For the sole reason to let you change up your style, colors and add new essentials to your closet. Right? 🙂
Your skin care routine, clothing choices, and shoes should change with each season, including your lipstick shade. Your shade should match the changing season! While bright colors are perfect for carefree summer, darker colors work best for Fall.
Getting a new lipstick with each season is a great tradition and you should definitely join me in the quest for the perfect fall shade.
Fall Lipstick Shade Trends 2014:
- Orange
- Dark Rouge
- Coffee
- Bright Red
- Nude
The lipstick search began and ended where they all typically do, Sephora. I spent the better part of my day smearing an assortment of lipstick shades across my lips. As a germaphobe, it takes extra time to choose a lipstick because I put alcohol all over the lipstick tester before each use. Don’t roll your eyes, germs are scary! By the end of the journey, my lips were dried out! Burts Bees is always in my purse to rescue chapped lips.
Nars Vesuvia and Nars Mascate held me in a real tough place. Eventually I made the challenging call. The pigment in Mascate was more blue, while the pigment in Vesuvia was more orange. So using my Lipstick Shade Guide I decided on the Vesuvia.
Nars Vesuvia is a perfect starting point for me this fall season. I really struggled between wanting a bright red or a high fashion dark purply-coffee color. But this was a great medium and more practical of a purchase. I knew I could wear this shade every day, while the dark purple would be ideal for evenings and night-outs.
My mind keeps going back to the dark one though… I don’t think Sephora has seen the last of me.
Love the colors! Love darker shades for the fall!
Me too! Who am I kidding? I will definitely be back for the darker color 🙂
Coffee!!! I look terrible in orange hues for some reason.
I'm the opposite! Good in oranges, bad in blues. Guess we can't swap 😉