I’m about to leave for vacation and couldn’t be more excited! Time to let my hair down, throw my cares away, live it up and/or whatever other cliche phrases you can think of… I agree.
Colorado, here I come! Time to hike, raft, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors with my boyfriend Colton and his family.
But… the actual leaving part can be a challenge because of the daily stresses and unsolved problems you know you’re leaving behind. Not only saying goodbye to work and the usual responsibilities, you also have to say bye to the normal routine, which also makes me anxious. When did I become like this?! I wish I was more free-spirited and spontaneous in terms of my very planned out life, but I’m not. I can’t help but think about how it will affect my usual sleeping, eating, working out habits, or what if I pack when I’m in a different style mood than I’ll be when I arrive? No one wants to wear a loud print when they are feeling in a quiet mood, or wear bright red lips when they are feeling dark and mysterious! But you just have to Let it Go, Let it Go. If you didn’t start breaking out in song right then, we aren’t on the same page. 🙂
However, let me tell you (and me), life will go on fine without you and breaks are definitely healthy and necessary! Trust me, people would much prefer you taking a couple days off rather than a full blown, desks being turned over, pens being thrown, hair being pulled kind of thing. Ha. Break free of your usual responsibilities and then come back refreshed and ready to bring it! We all need to take breaks and travel.
After quite some time mulling over my clothing, makeup, accessories and trying to properly limit myself. I think that I have got it covered! Packing tips post to come…
My shoe assortment says it all. Don’t worry I didn’t end up bringing all of these!
Remembered my things I normally forget, you’re my witness. Glasses, charger, favorite lipstick, slippers, and my hair brush
Now that I’m packed, I’m ready to get out of here and live it up!!!!
I won’t be blogging this week so follow me on instagram @alattelipstick to see what I’m up to!
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