Along with arms, comes the other pair of limbs. You guessed it, those legs. Current inspiration leg wise – Carrie Underwood. Her legs are the perfect toned definition but not stick thin. That girl has some beautiful legs.
I have always been somewhat self conscious of my legs, they are definitely not what I would qualify as lean . But I need to understand mine won’t appear as small as I would like because they are muscular – which is good. Although my legs don’t qualify as model status, I do appreciate the strength of them. I am a squats goddess, if there ever was such a thing.
One part of my leg that I am confused about are my calves. They are weaklings! I have no idea why my calves are so pathetic, I was a dancer when I was younger and currently work out my legs often. I have started to do three sets of 50 calf raises while standing during the day. Must say that I have seen a quick turn around in strength after only one week. It is also important to stretch them after working them, they get sore easy! Perhaps calves are quick to loose muscle but quick to gain muscle.
When your quads our burning: Think beaches, bikinis, and babes.
Time to hit it ladies – Week 2. Do the leg workout 3-4x this week and see results!
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