This post is for all my teacher friends out there who have homemade lunches everyday or, for those sweet mommas who make packed lunches for their kiddos. Make it even more sweet by providing more nutritional benefits!
So, is your lunchbox really healthy? There are simple swaps to make to get more nutritional value and less of the bad stuff! Here are some great healthy swaps to get you started and headed toward a healthier you!
Healthy Lunch Box Swaps
PBJ swap – Almond Butter Banana. Many jellies are loaded with extra sugars, stick with slicing up a banana. Use whole wheat bread.
Bag of Chips swap – Skip the grease and grab some hummus. I like Cedars Hummus pack that includes pre-portioned healthy chips and hummus.Chicken Salad Sandwich swap – Switch to a classic turkey sandwich with lots of veggies. Chicken salad is loaded with gobs of mayo and fat.
Packaged Cookies swap – Try these protein balls. Guaranteed to keep you fuller longer and gives your sweet tooth a treat!
Power Bar swap – Kind Bar. Power bars have lots of protein in them but way too much sugar! Kind bars have less sugar and few ingredients.
Trail Mix swap – Make your own, that way you know exactly what is in it. I like this Trail Mix for metabolism recipe! Always portion it before you eat the entire bag!!
Yoplait Yogurt swap – Try Chobani Strawberry yogurt. It has less fat, double the protein, and less sugar.
Make it even better with one of these awesome vintage lunch boxes!
Love this! Definitely going to have to make some healthy switches for my lunch! Have a good week!