It has been one whole year, it has sped by so quickly and I can’t believe it’s here…A Latte Lipstick’s first birthday! She may have started off not as pretty, but she has learned some tricks of the trade since the beginning. She is transforming and will continue to grow in beauty and knowledge this next year.
I have loved every minute of sharing and writing this blog and I can’t wait to continue this blogging journey. Looking back, I have learned a lot from writing this blog and have really discovered more about myself in larger scope, and more of what I want to focus on in this blog in smaller scope. My passion for fitness and health has really taken root in this blog. Motivating, inspiring, and pushing you is what I hope to continue to do in 2015!
My goals for the upcoming year is to work on my blog’s design and capabilities, stay tuned for some exciting new features and new look in upcoming months. I also really want to begin collaborating with other fitness or fashion bloggers so please email me if you’re interested! I’d love to talk to you 🙂 [[email protected].]
This year I hope to further connect with my readers and form more connections with other bloggers! It really is an amazing inspiring community!
Here’s some of my favorite posts of the year! Did you have a favorite?
A Latte Lipstick Fitness:
Tabata Workout
Sculpted Arms Workout
My 6 week Latte Fit Challenge: Challenge One, Challenge 2, Challenge 3, Challenge 4, Challenge 5, Challenge 6.
A Latte Lipstick Health:
Sugar Detox Challenge
Month Without Gluten and Results
Health Controversies Answered
Drink More Water!
A Latte Lipstick Fashion:
Glam Hats
Fur Vest Obsession
Winter Closet Essentials
Spring Time Fashion
Congrats on 1 year friend!! I've enjoyed finding your blog and getting to know you 🙂
Thanks Mia! I have appreciated the support from you 🙂 Happy Sunday!
Happy Birthday to A Latte Lipstick! xoxo
Thanks Katie! 🙂 XO
Thank you Mel! Love getting comments from you and reading your blog 🙂 XO
Happy bloggiversary!!! It's mine too, actually! That's so cool. (: I've loved reading your blog, can't wait to see what's in store this upcoming year!!!
Thanks Kiera! And Happy Blog Anniversary to you too! 🙂 XO
Happy blog anniversary!
Thanks Jeanne! XO
I just found your blog today, and I must say, I'm loving the layout! I'm trying to motivate myself to workout more, so your blog will definitely be an inspiration!